Sunday, February 26, 2017

Torture On the High Seas!

Life on the sea was a harsh and difficult life. Your daily battles were not only against enemy ships but also from within. crew members were often tortured or flogged for minor infractions. You might think that this type of treatment was exclusive to outlaws - no, sailors among Navy ships were much more likely to be flogged for the most menial of infractions.

healed back after being flogged

This type of treatment to the crew can be justified with one word- order. Crewmates aboard a ship, from the Navy to Pirates are all strong, rough men who have experienced war and extreme violence. To keep these king of men in line, a captain must resort to heavy measures to maintain order. Torture may seem like too much to an modern people like us but, in an era where the Americas was a wild and unexplored land, harsh discipline was necessary to curb theft, violence, and possible mutiny.

Sources Cited

Vallar, Cindy. "Pirates & Privateers - The Pirates' Arsenal of Torture." Pirates &    Privateers - The Pirates' Arsenal of Torture. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb. 2017.

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