Sunday, April 30, 2017

Research Presentations!

Last Monday, the class had to give a five-minute presentation on our research topic. We had to formulate a quality presentation that was appealing to the eyes and also gave out just enough information for the audience to read and the presenter to elaborate on. I feel that my classmates did an overall great job of making their presentations aesthetic and well researched. I did not there was a bit of refinement that still needed to be made. For example, one of my classmates created a very interesting recreation of Morgan's attack on Panama. He was very knowledgeable in his topic but made simple mistakes on his presentation such as over explaining and not testing his equipment prior to his turn to present. The technical difficulties sort of made me lose my focus on his presentation and I began to look at other things other than him. Other students created props that the class was able to look through to better understand her topic, however, the presenter spoke softly and her presentation other than the props were forgetful, to say the least.
I personally enjoyed watching everyone present their research topics and noticed they all put in a great amount of effort in gathering the information necessary to craft their storyboard. With a bit of refining, I'm confident their mistakes would not have happened. 

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